The Government of the Northwest Territories (GNWT) by purpose of this Request for Standing Offers, (the “Request”) is requesting Offers from qualified Bidders for the establishment of nonexclusive Standing Offer Agreements for AIRCRAFT SERVICES in support of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources in accordance with the Terms and Conditions attached.
The Cumulative Impact Monitoring Framework is an operational guide for NWT CIMP to develop science monitoring and research that can predict cumulative impacts and support effective resource management decision-making in the NWT. The NWT’s vast geographic scale and remoteness require that NWT CIMP’s resources are directed towards developing a predictive understanding of cumulative impacts, rather than conducting comprehensive long-term monitoring.
Une enquête a été menée en août et septembre 2024 dans le cadre du Programme de surveillance des effets cumulatifs des Territoires du Nord-Ouést (PSECTNO). L’énquêté visait à s’assurér qué lé PSECTNO répondait toujours aux bésoins ét aux priorités des parténairés. L’objéctif du PSECTNO ést dé compréndré lés éfféts cumulatifs ét lés changements environnementaux et de fournir des informations utiles à la prise de décision en matière de gestion des ressources.
2022-05-04 DM Kelly to Mr. Noah Johnson, NSMA - Aboriginal Consultation Decision about Whether to Approve the Wildlife Management and Monitoring Plan for the Diavik Diamond Mine