Wildlife Manuscript Report 323. Don Russell, Anne Gunn, Leonardo Frid. Shadow Lake Environmental Inc. Carma, Apex Resource Management Solutions. Vulnerability Assessment of The Bathurst Caribou Herd for the Proposed Slave Geological Province Road, NWT. 95pp.
En anglais seulement
Publication date:
novembre 2024
Resource Category:
Research and data, Monitoring, Conservation planning
The handling of animals for research or management purposes is a privilege. Before a protocol to handle animals in a research or management project is approved, the project leader must show that the procedures to which the animals will be submitted will be carried out safely and humanely.
La manipulation d’animaux à des fins de recherche ou de gestion de la faune est un privilège. Avant l’approbation d’un protocole de manipulation des animaux dans le cadre d’un projet d’étude ou de gestion, le chef de projet doit démontrer que les procédures auxquelles les animaux seront soumis seront menées de manière sécuritaire et sans cruauté.
Publication date:
novembre 2024
Resource Category:
Wildlife and nature, Harvesting: Hunting, Gathering, Trapping, Fishing, Legislation, Regulations, Policies and Guidelines
This guideline is to address the significant risk of flooding caused by ice jams, which have historically been the most common cause of flooding in the Northwest Territories (NWT). Recent events continue to highlight their impact, making it essential for municipal, provincial, and territorial agencies, as well as Indigenous communities, to have guidance on producing engineered flood hazard maps.
Cette ligne directrice vise à répondre au risque important d’inondation causé par les embâcles, qui ont toujours été la cause la plus fréquente d’inondation aux Territoires du Nord-Ouest (TNO). Les événements récents ont encore une fois mis en évidence les conséquences des embâcles. Il est donc essentiel que les organismes municipaux, provinciaux et territoriaux, ainsi que les communautés autochtones, disposent des indications nécessaires à l’établissement de cartes techniques des aléas d’inondation.
List of the manuscript report, identification done by their manuscript number.
En anglais seulement
Publication date:
novembre 2024
Resource Category:
Wildlife and nature, Water Monitoring and Stewardship, Research and data, Monitoring, Air quality, Climate change, Conservation planning, Harvesting: Hunting, Gathering, Trapping, Fishing, Forest resources
This first NWT Climate Change Risks and Opportunities Assessment (the Assessment) aims to provide a shared understanding of the most pressing climate change risks Northwest Territories (NWT) residents and communities will face in the next decade.
Wildlife Manuscript Report 311. Jan Adamczewski, Judy Williams and John Boulanger, Environment And Climate Change, Integrated Ecological Research. March 2020 Pregnancy Assessment Using Samples from Bathurst, Bluenose-East and Beverly Barren-Ground Caribou Herds. 2024. 57pp.
En anglais seulement
Publication date:
novembre 2024
Resource Category:
Wildlife and nature, Research and data, Monitoring, Climate change, Conservation planning