Help us to improve our websites by answering 12 quick questions about how we organize web content.
The Government of the Northwest Territories (GNWT) is in the process of improving its websites. Residents have told us that organizing information around departments, divisions and units is confusing and difficult to use. So, we’re going to organize content around themes, topics, and tasks instead. We have a draft of those themes and topics, and a plan for where content would show up. You’re invited to help us test our assumptions, and make sure that the way we’re organizing content will be easier for residents.
Visit the Have Your Say website to participate in this short activity.
Quick Facts:
- This type of activity is called a Tree Test, and it is a common tool for evaluating website navigation.
- In this Tree Test, participants will be shown the proposed menu structure, then asked where they might find a piece of information within that structure. For example, participants will be asked “Where would you go to get information about fishing licenses”.
- We have an idea of where people would find information, but these types of tests help us to check our assumptions. We might move where a piece of content shows up, or have it show up in more than one place
- This Tree Test builds on previous research on Government Website Usability.
- The reorganized GNWT website is expected to launch in late 2025 or early 2026.
For media requests, please contact:
Beau Stobbs
Senior Communications Advisor
Department of Executive and Indigenous Affairs
Government of the Northwest Territories