Apply for Interim Resource Management Assistance (IRMA)

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This program provides funding to Indigenous communities in unsettled land claim areas to participate in land and resource management activities affecting their land use areas.


This program provides funding to Indigenous communities in unsettled land claim areas to participate in land and resource management activities affecting their land use areas.

In particular, the program supports First Nation and Métis groups to participate in consultations associated with regulatory processes, environmental assessments, and resource management policy and legislation. It can also assist in establishing and retaining capacity in communities.

There are two components to this program:

  • Base funding
    This funding is allocated once a year on a per capita basis.
  • Resource pressures funding
    This funding covers additional costs related to major project developments. Eligible organizations may also submit proposals.

Funding Available

  • Base funding: minimum of $30,000 per organization with additional granted based on population (see guidelines).
  • Resource pressures: reasonable costs covered based on accepted applications (see guidelines).


  • April 1 to June 1: Funding applications due
  • October 1 to December 1: Second round of funding applications due (Resource Pressure Funding only)


Funding may be used for following types of expenses: 

  • Salaries or contract costs of land and resource management staff
  • Costs of committees or working groups established to provide input to resource management boards processes created under the Mackenzie Valley Resource Management Act (MVRMA), such as the land and water boards; water licence and land use permitting processes; or environmental assessment processes run by the Mackenzie Valley Environmental Impact Review Board
  • Research and capacity enhancement that is initiated by a community in response to pressures from land and resource management
  • Costs of professional expertise
  • Costs associated with the development of various maps, documents, reports that are needed to analyze environmental and social impacts of a proposed development
  • 15% of base funding can be used for operating costs associated with project work
  • An administrative fee of 10% can be used from resource pressures funding or funding that is given for creating or attending workshops

How to apply

  1. Complete an application form.
  2. Send the completed application form to

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Environment and Climate Change