Funding Programs

You can narrow down funding opportunities based on who you are (eligibility) and what kind of funding you are looking for (category). Choose some options from the lists below and press go.


This program provides funding to qualified organizations to hire and maintain community tourism coordinators.
CTIC provides funding to community governments and non-government organizations to support new and innovative infrastructure projects. The projects must support tourism in communities and promote nearby parks and natural attractions.
The program is designed to fund short-term training opportunities for tourism workers to gain new skills or to upgrade skills and assist tourism operators in the NWT to support and encourage a well-trained tourism labour force.
Funding is provided to organizations to deliver local activities aimed at increasing skills development, including workplace essential skills.
Funding to exploration companies who propose new exploration projects or are already carrying out NWT mineral exploration work.
Funding for environmental monitoring and research in the Northwest Territories.
Funding to support wages for early childhood educators employed in licensed centre-based programs and employer related costs.
Funding available through Prosper NWT, formerly known as the BDIC, to assist businesses with their digital projects to increase online presence, boost e-commerce, or digitalize operations.
Funding to assist individuals, small businesses and community governments in disaster recovery and restoring damaged property.
Funding for projects that preserve or expand existing infrastructure of licensed centre-based child care spaces or to create new licensed centre-based child care spaces in NWT communities.
Early Learning and Child Care Scholarships are awarded to Northwest Territories (NWT) part-time and full-time post-secondary students enrolled in a diploma or degree program in early childhood development to assist with costs associated with pursuing their education.
Funding to offset costs of installing electric vehicle charging infrastructure in the Northwest Territories.
The Emergency Evacuation Relief Program (EERP) provides one-time financial support to help mitigate the immediate costs associated with evacuations due to natural disasters such as wildfires and flooding.
Funding is available year-round for emergency situations like freeze-ups and furnace failures.
This program provides mentorship support for new and inexperienced entrepreneurs.
This program offers funding to employers to offset the cost of training employees.
Employment Assistance Services provides career and employment assistance targeted to local and regional needs.
Funding for harvesting wolves in the North Slave region to help support caribou recovery.
